Audubon’s Rowe Sanctuary will be holding its second annual photo contest during the 2017 crane season! Thirteen photos will be chosen for the 2018 Audubon’s Rowe Sanctuary calendar; the first-place photo will be on the calendar’s cover. The calendar will be sold in the Rowe Sanctuary gift shop; including the online store.
The thirteen winners will each receive 2 free calendars. The first-place winner will win a free overnight in a photography blind in 2017.All other photographers whose photos are chosen will win a free space in a public viewing blind in 2017. Winners will need to call and make reservations after the first business day in January.
Photos will be submitted to a Dropbox location of which a link will be shared during the submission period. Photos will be judged by a select panel from Rowe Sanctuary’s Stewardship Board.
Rules of Entry
Only registrants in 2017 overnight or morning/evening photography blinds are eligible to enter. Entry is free with registration in the photo blinds.
Photographs must be taken from the blinds on Rowe Sanctuary in 2017 to be eligible.
No more than three photograph submissions per photographer.
Images must be a minimum of 300 dpi and 10” x 12” in landscape or horizontal view.
Entries must be submitted by May 15, 2017.
Winners will be notified via email by July 14, 2017.
Entrants will sign Audubon’s “rights to use photographs” agreement, provided by Rowe Sanctuary. Photographer credits will be provided on all photographs used by Audubon.
To ensure anonymous judging, please have no signature or watermark on the photo itself. Each file should be named as follows: Photographers name date (number of submission): Joesmith422016(1). Joesmith432016(2) Joesmith432016(3)
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