Bird-Friendly Communities

Transforming our communities into places where birds flourish.

Chipping Sparrow Photo: Khasia Hartwell

Birds connect us to the natural world and make our communities more beautiful, and healthful places to live. Communities ranging from urban centers to rural towns can provide important habitat for native birds. 

It's time that we give back to create communities that are more inclusive for birds and people too.

Plants for Birds
Plants For Birds

Plants for Birds

Native plants are better for birds and people too. Find out more!

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Bird-Friendly Buildings
Bird-Friendly Communities

Bird-Friendly Buildings

Making Our Built Environment Safer for Birds

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Past and Ongoing Projects
Bird-Friendly Communities

Past and Ongoing Projects

Learn more about Bird Friendly Communities work with Rowe!

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Explore Audubon Resources

Why Native Plants Are Better for Birds and People

Why Native Plants Are Better for Birds and People

Bird-friendly landscaping provides food, saves water, and fights climate change.

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Yards With Non-Native Plants Create ‘Food Deserts’ for Bugs and Birds
Plants For Birds

Yards With Non-Native Plants Create ‘Food Deserts’ for Bugs and Birds

Research finds that Carolina Chickadees require a landscape with 70 percent native plants to keep their population steady.

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Reducing Collisions with Glass
Bird-Friendly Communities

Reducing collisions with glass

"Between 365 million to one billion birds are killed annually by building collisions in the U.S."

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Explore birds in your community!

How you can help, right now