Even though Sandhill Cranes stage in the Platte River valley in large numbers during the spring migration, this is not the case in the fall. During the months of September and October, cranes stage in areas of eastern Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, North Dakota, South Dakota and northwestern Minnesota. The earliest we typically see (or hear) cranes is late September, with the peak of the fall migration occurring from late October through early November and ending sometime in December. During this time the cranes rarely stay for an extended period, usually just overnight if they do stop.
Cranes can be seen and heard at Rowe Sanctuary during the fall, but we do not have guided field trips. Visitors are welcome to walk our walking trails that lead from the Iain Nicolson Audubon Center in the early morning and late afternoon when any cranes that have stopped may be on or near the river
Other locations where sandhill cranes can be seen during the fall migration (F) or on their wintering grounds (W) include:
Cibola National Wildlife Refuge (W)
Willcox Playa Wildlife Area (W)
Monte Vista/Alamosa National Wildlife Refuge (F)
Jasper-Pulaski Fish & Wildlife Area (F)
Cheyenne Bottoms Wildlife Area (F)
Kirwin National Wildlife Refuge (F)
Quivira National Wildlife Refuge (F)
Baker Sanctuary (F)
New Mexico
Bosque del Apache National Wildlife Refuge (W)
Grulla National Wildlife Refuge (W)
Bitter Lake National Wildlife Refuge (W)
Salt Plains National Wildlife Refuge (F)
Tishomingo National Wildlife Refuge (W)
Washita National Wildlife Refuge (W)
Muleshoe National Wildlife Refuge (W)
Aransas National Wildlife Refuge (W)
Brazoria National Wildlife Refuge (W)
Laguna Atascosa National Wildlife Refuge (W)
How you can help, right now
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Volunteers are critical to the operations at the Iain Nicolson Audubon Center at Rowe Sanctuary. Take a look at our volunteer opportunities and consider joining this incredible team.
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Your generous support helps to ensure that Sandhill Cranes and other wildlife that depend on the Platte River will have this wonderful resource for years to come.
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