Friday, March 28 | 2:00 p.m. - 3:30 p.m
50 Years of Conservation at Rowe Sanctuary Panel Discussion
Join us for a commemorative presentation showcasing historic photos and conservation milestones over the past 50 years at Rowe Sanctuary. We will be joined by a special panel of conservationists, crane experts, local storytellers, founding members, and volunteers who were instrumental in Rowe’s conservation success through the years. Stay after the presentation for a chance to ask our panel members questions and peruse our photo & memory wall!
Free to Attend, Registration Required: Register here.
Friday, March 28 | 3:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Staff and Volunteer Reunion
Rowe Sanctuary has been the honored recipient of countless hours of work from Staff and Volunteers, past and present. This reunion is a dedicated time to gather informally and connect with those who have contributed to Rowe over the past 50 years.
Free to Attend, Registration Required: Register here.
Saturday, March 29 | 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Book signing: Into Whooperland with Michael Forsberg
We are pleased to welcome photographer Michael Forsberg to Rowe Sanctuary for a book signing of his new book, Into Whooperland. Stay tuned for more information on purchasing this incredible glimpse into the life cycle and journey of one of America’s most rare birds: the endangered Whooping Crane.
Free to Attend, No registration needed.
Saturday, March 29 | 1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Rowe's 50th Anniversary Celebration: Reception & Program
Help us celebrate 50 Years of Rowe Sanctuary! Join us for a reception with light appetizers, a 50-year birthday cake, and conversation with fellow supporters. Following the reception hear from Audubon Leadership about Rowe Sanctuary’s impact on Platte River conservation, and from keynote speaker, Michael Forsberg.
Location: Younes North Conference space, Kearney, NE
Registration required, register here.
- Silver: $25, includes reception and program
- Gold: $125, includes reception and program, and signed copy of Into Whooperland
- Platinum: $250, includes reception and program, signed copy of Into Whooperland, and a ticket to an evening Guided Crane Experience at Rowe Sanctuary (3/29 at 6:00 pm. Limited capacity)
Sunday, March 30 | 11:00 a.m.
Virtual Presentation: Rowe Sanctuary and Audubon's Flight Plan: Audubon's Hemispheric Approach to Bird Conservation
3 billion North American birds have been lost since 1970. How do we reverse this distressing trend and create a future where birds thrive? Flight Plan is Audubon’s ambitious new strategic plan to answer this question and chart a future of bird conservation! As Rowe Sanctuary celebrates 50 years, join us to hear about Audubon’s inspiring hemisphere-wide approach to ‘bend the bird curve’.
Free to Attend, Registration Required. Register here.
Browse other special crane season events
Join us as we commemorate five decades of conservation and community through a season of special events, experiences, and shared appreciation for the cranes, wildlife, and our native grasslands. From guided crane viewing tours to educational programs and celebratory gatherings, this milestone season we invite you to be part of Rowe Sanctuary’s legacy.
How you can help, right now
Become a Volunteer
Volunteers are critical to the operations at the Iain Nicolson Audubon Center at Rowe Sanctuary. Take a look at our volunteer opportunities and consider joining this incredible team.
Make a Gift Today
Your generous support helps to ensure that Sandhill Cranes and other wildlife that depend on the Platte River will have this wonderful resource for years to come.
Rowe Sanctuary's Online Gift Shop
Our gift shop has a wide variety of items and your purchase supports our conservation efforts along the Platte River in south-central Nebraska.