
Audubon Remembers Margery Nicolson, Dedicated Supporter and Conservation Advocate

Audubon Remembers Margery Nicolson, Dedicated Supporter and Conservation Advocate

Margery Nicolson’s generosity was instrumental in conservation work across the Audubon network. She was an accomplished scientist and a dear friend to many at the sanctuary and at Audubon.

Whooping Cranes Need to Socially Distance, Too, According to New Report

Whooping Cranes Need to Socially Distance, Too, According to New Report

The endangered birds’ flocks are too big, putting them at risk of disease outbreak. Breaking up the large groups requires wetland restoration.

CANCELLED - Flying Free: An Inspiring Crane and Art Talk

CANCELLED - Flying Free: An Inspiring Crane and Art Talk

— This event has been cancelled due to upcoming weather conditions.
Connecting to Nature in the City of Kearney

Connecting to Nature in the City of Kearney

— The Iain Nicolson Audubon Center at Rowe Sanctuary will host the Wild Experience Room on Saturday, February 29, from 10 am to 2 pm at the Kearney Public Library. The event will feature family-friendly, nature-related activities plus a special guest presenter.
Indoor Bird Count at Audubon’s Rowe Sanctuary

Indoor Bird Count at Audubon’s Rowe Sanctuary

— Rowe will host the Great Backyard Bird Count on February 15 from 9 am – 4 pm
Free Insect Exploration and Inspection at Rowe’s “Snug as a Bug” Event

Free Insect Exploration and Inspection at Rowe’s “Snug as a Bug” Event

— Iain Nicolson Audubon Center at Rowe Sanctuary will host Snug as a Bug on Saturday, January 25, from 1 – 4 pm. The program will feature a short hike, analyzing the critters in leaf litter, and digging through potentially insect-filled logs.
Free One-Day Winter Adventures at Audubon’s Rowe Sanctuary

Free One-Day Winter Adventures at Audubon’s Rowe Sanctuary

— Families are invited to two free events hosted at the Iain Nicolson Audubon Center at Rowe Sanctuary on Saturday, January 4, 2020. The events will have trail explorations, family-friendly indoor activities, and free hot chocolate for all participants.
Crane Season Registration Opens on January 2

Crane Season Registration Opens on January 2

— Audubon’s Rowe Sanctuary will start accepting reservations on January 2 at 9 am

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