Tracing the Path of the Platte River
By Melissa Mosier
Friday, April 11, 2025
3:00pm - 4:00pm Central Gibbon, Nebraska

Location Details
Iain Nicolson Audubon Center at Rowe Sanctuary
44450 Elm Island Road, Gibbon, 68840, NE

While the Platte River supports a growing population of millions of people and a robust agricultural economy, it also supports habitat for roughly one million cranes that stop along its path on their annual spring migration. Where does the water in the Platte River come from, how is it shared by humans and wildlife as it flows through the Basin, and what can we do to protect this vital resource? Join Melissa Moiser, Platte River Program Manager at Audubon Great Plains, as she explores these questions and others and delves into some of the more complex challenges and opportunities that Audubon works on through its Platte River Initiative.