
The Natural History of North American Cranes

By Amanda Hegg

Friday, April 04, 2025
3:00pm - 4:00pm Central Gibbon, Nebraska

Location Details

Iain Nicolson Audubon Center at Rowe Sanctuary

44450 Elm Island Road, Gibbon, 68840, NE

The Natural History of North American Cranes

April 04, 2025 - Gibbon, NE

Speaker lectures are free but have limited capacity. Pre-registration required.
Register here

The Natural History of North American Cranes  

North America is home to both the most abundant and most rare crane species in the world- the Sandhill Crane and Whooping Crane. Join Amanda Hegg, Rowe Sanctuary’s Senior Conservation Associate, for an engaging hour long presentation about the evolutionary history and life cycle of these extraordinary birds and learn about past and present conservation efforts to protect them. 

Learn about the Speaker:

Amanda Hegg is Rowe Sanctuary’s Senior Conservation Associate. Amanda has been at Rowe Sanctuary since 2020 and spends most of her time planning and conducting habitat management activities that improve the sanctuary for priority species like cranes and grassland birds. Amanda grew up in South Dakota and is a graduate from the University of South Dakota where she studied sustainability and conservation biology. Amanda's previous experience includes studies of Missouri River bird communities with the Missouri River Institute and National Park Service in southeastern South Dakota, and park management in the Black Hills of South Dakota with Game, Fish and Parks. 

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